Divinity original sin 2 best starting talents
Divinity original sin 2 best starting talents

divinity original sin 2 best starting talents divinity original sin 2 best starting talents divinity original sin 2 best starting talents

The main thing I've found was that warriors and rangers work best when specializing in strength and dexterity, respectively. I went with two 2-handed warriors (max man-at-arms, some utility stuff like vampiric touch/summon skeleton, teleport/cleansing wind), an archer (max expert marksman, utility scoundrel stuff like adrenaline, stealth and haste, utility geo stuff like spider summon and oil) and Jahan as a aero/hydro mage with maximum healing and crowd control (and crafting skills since he starts with scientist.) It was incredibly easy on classic difficulty, and would probably work on tactician. You get a lot less attribute points in DOS1 compared to 2. Battlemage doesn't work that well, as you'll be kinda gimped late game if you split points between intelligence and strength.

Divinity original sin 2 best starting talents